I. Property Information (if you already own your home or have a contract on a house)
- Copy of legal description from taxing authority (purchase or refinance)
- Purchase agreement and MLS sheet (purchase)
- If you are selling your home, copy of listing contract
- If you have sold your home, copy of settlement statement (HUD-1)
II. Income and Assets
- Pay stubs for the last 30 days
- Names and address of each employer (last 2 years)
- Copies of W-2s (last 2 years)
- Statements for each bank, mutual fund, and/or investment accounts for the last 3 months
- Estimated value of personal property and furniture
- Copy of corporate or partnership tax returns (if own 25% or more of a business)
- Tax returns for past 3 years with schedules (if self-employed)
- Accountant prepared Year-to-Date Profit and Loss statement (if self-employed)
- Tax returns for the last 2 years and current rental agreements (if own rental property)
- Pension Award Letter (if retired)
- Social Security Award Letter (if receiving Social Security)
- Copy of divorce settlement (if counting child support as income)
- Copy of 12 months of canceled child support checks (if counting child support as income)
III. Debts
- Names, addresses, account numbers, balances and monthly payments on all current loans
Explanation of negative records contained within credit report (late payments, charge-offs, collections, judgments and/or liens) - Copy of Bankruptcy papers if filed within past 7 years
IV. VA Loans
- Copy of DD Form 214, Report of Separation
V. Miscellaneous
- Photo ID and proof of Social Security number
- Residence addresses for the past 2 years
- If applicable, a copy of your divorce decree
- If you are not a citizen of the United States, a copy of the front and back of your green card
NMLS: 672886