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Savings Rates & Fees

Savings Rates and Fees

 Promotional Online CDs1,2

CDs with opening balances of $25,000 to $240,000.

Term Interest Rate1 APY1,3
3 month Promotional Online CD 3.60% 3.66%
6 month Promotional Online CD 4.15% 4.19%
12 month Promotional Online CD 4.33% 4.40%

NexBank Standard CDs1,4

CDs with opening balances of $10,000.

Term Interest Rate1 APY1,3
3 month 3.55% 3.61%
6 month 4.10% 4.14%
​12 month 4.28% 4.35%
18 month 3.67% 3.72%
​24 month 3.50% 3.55%
36 month 3.40% 3.44%
​48 month 3.30% 3.34%
60 month 3.25% 3.29%

High-Yield Money Market Account 5

Daily Balance Interest Rate5 APY3,5
$100,000.00+ 3.20% 3.25%
$1,000.00 - $99,999.99 2.23% 2.25%
$0 - $999.99 0.00% 0.00%

Savings Account6
Terms/Balances Interest Rate6 APY3,6
All balances 1.49% 1.50%

Fee and Balance Requirements

Account Minimum to open Monthly fee Daily minimum to avoid fee
Standards CDs $10,000 $0 N/A
Promotional Online CDs Promotional Online CD: $25,000
$0 N/A
High-Yield Money Market $10,000 $257 $10,000
Savings $200 $37 $200

1. Interest Rates and APYs are effective as 1/31/2025 and are subject to change at any time without notice. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal.
2. Promotional Online CDs are a $25,000 minimum to open to earn the interest rate and APY disclosed.  Funds must be new money; deposits cannot be made from an existing NexBank CD account.
3. APY—Annual Percentage Yield
4. NexBank Standard CDs: $10,000 minimum to open.
5. The High-Yield Money Market Account is a tiered, variable interest rate account. You must maintain the minimum balance needed for each tier in order to earn the interest rate and APY disclosed. Interest rates and APYs are effective as 1/31/2025 and are subject to change at any time without notice.
6. Savings interest rate and APY are effective as of 1/31/2025 and are subject to change at any time without notice.
7. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account.

Product Balances
Promotional Online CD $25,000.00 - $240,000.00
CDs are only available to consumers.

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